HUD Nodes

Current Nodes


The HUD:SetupModelPostRender Node starts the system and sets the scene settings like lights and adds the render target to the movieclip provided.

Any "Start"Starts the system and sets the scene settings provided below.
Any "Shutdown"Stops the system.
String "MovieClip"Defines to which movieclip the texture will be send.
Vec3 "AmbientLightColor"Ambient light color.
Float "AmbientLightStrength"Strength of the ambient light.
Vec3 "LightColor"Color of the point light.
Float "DebugScale"If this is bigger then 0, it will render the RT with the UV map info and models on the screen.


The HUD:AddModelToPostRender Node adds the model to the postrender scene and sets the model parameters provided.

The ScreenUV and ScreenU2V2 can be used to map the model on the Render target, use this to either maximize the resolution or atlas different models

Any "Add"Adds the model.
String "Model"Which model is displayed.
String "Scale"Scale the model.
String "Animation"Which animation the model is displaying.
Float "PlaySpeed"How fast the animation is playing.
Vec3 "EntityPos"Where the model is positioned, this is important to get the model at a good resolution.
Vec3 "EntityRot"The rotation of the model. Important to define from which angle the model is viewed.
Vec3 "EntityContinuousRot"This rotation will be applied every frame, used for showcasing.
Vec3 "ScreenUV"Use the x- and y-components to define the upper left UV coords on the RenderTarget.
Vec3 "ScreenU2V2"Use the x- and y-components to define the bottom right UV coords on the RenderTarget.


The HUD:DisplayDebugMessage node is used to display debug text on the screen. The size and position of the text can be defined by using the input ports of the node.

The node does not need to be triggered; it prints whatever is input to the message port.

In the above example we are making the AI - Grunt1 go to the player with an AI:AI:Goto node, and we are outputting the destination to the HUD. Using the timer we are triggering the Entity:GetPos node to update the HUD every second.

So as the player moves around you will notice the XYZ position get updated.



Any "EntityID"

Any "Show"

Show the message

Any "Hide"

Hide the message

String "message"

Message to show on screen

Float "DisplayTime"

How long the message is diplayed. 0 is permanently visible

Float "posX"

X position of the text in pixels from the upper left corner

Float "posY"

Y position of the text in pixels from the upper left corner

Float "fontSize"

Font size of the text on screen

Vector "color"

Font color of the text on screen

Boolean "centered"

Centers the text around the coordinates




Upon Show trigger next.


Upon Hide trigger next.


The HUD:DisplayTimedDebugMessage node works similarly to the HUD:DisplayDebugMessage node. However, instead of being automatically triggered when the message input port is used, the node has to be triggered using the Trigger input.

In the above example it works very similar to the above, but we have less options. Here we are setting the timer to tick every three seconds and to trigger the message, but to only display the HUD:TimedDebugMessage for only two seconds. This means that the message will disappear from the screen for one second, until it updates again.



Any "Trigger"

Triggers the debug text output.

String "Message"

Message to show on screen.

Float "DisplayTime"

How long the message is displayed. 0 is permanently visible.

Float "PosX"

X position of the text in pixels from the upper left corner.

Float "PosY"

Y position of the text in pixels from the upper left corner.

Float "FontSize"

Font size of the text on scree.

