Detail Bump Mapping

Deprecated: See Unified Detail Mapping

Detail Bump Mapping

Detail Bump Mapping simulates nearby surface bump details, at low memory cost. It works simply by using 2 detail bump layers, one for close ups and one for medium range distances, finally this layers get blended with regular surface bump for the added detail.

Using Detail Bump Mapping

Place a bump texture into the detail texture slot. Activate the 'Detail Bump Mapping' shader generation parameter in material properties.

There are 4 parameters:

  • Detail Tilling U/V: Sets detail bump tilling.
  • Detail bump scale: Sets detail bump scale/strength. The lower the value the less visible, the bigger the more visible.
  • Detail blend amount: Sets amount of blending of grayscale detail stored in alpha channel of detail bump texture alike to regular detail mapping. Leave at 0 for no changes, 1 for maximum blending.


  • This feature only works on high spec and above.
  • Only use this feature where it makes sense, since this costs performance. You will get the better results in low detailed surfaces, with not much bump/diffuse detail.
  • For maximum quality, enable also anisotropic filtering on detail bump texture settings.


Shaders supporting this feature at the moment:

  • Illum, cloth, vegetation (trunks) and terrain.